Hailsham Bonfire Society are holding a fantastic fun event on the Western Road Recreation Ground on 30th JUNE starting at 11am. You will have Steam Trains, Rides, Fire Engine, Circus Skills with East Sussex school of Circus Arts, Live Music, Food, Bar and Drinks, Raffles and Games…. And a special appearance from the Sussex Ghostbusters!

When and Where – 30th June 2024 Western Road Recreation Ground

Time – 11am start with fun for all the family!

2024 planning underway!

With the AGM out the way and a few changes, the committee are now planning various fundraising events to fund this years celebrations.

We are pleased to announce following the success of last years Flaming Funday, an even bigger event to take place on the 30th June 2024 at our Firesite on the Western Road recreation ground. Further details will be announced in the next few weeks!

Welcome to the 2023 New Committee

Following a very well-attended AGM last month, HBS is in fine form and looking forward to this year’s various fundraising events in the run-up to HB23! Many thanks to those who have taken on their new roles and also to those that have decided to take a back seat for a well-earned rest!

2023 AGM

Our Annual General Meeting is due to take place on the 24th January at the Hailsham Cricket Pavilion. 7pm. All members and well wishers welcome!

Bonfire Night Programmes

This year’s bonfire night programme will soon be available in return for a small donation!

We’ll list the shops selling them on our behalf in the next few days, they’ll also be on sale every Saturday morning from 9am in Hailsham town centre, so look out for our friendly members who will happily provide you with any extra info not contained within the programme!

All set for a busy few Summer months fundraising!

With the year quickly passing and having received continued permission for the use of the recreation ground from Hailsham Town Council, Bonfire Night looks set to be another big night in the towns calendar! The membership is now very active with attending fairs and events to raise the required funds to enable us to stage this years celebrations.

Torch making is due to start in the next few days too, with only 1600 to go! We are very grateful to Parkers Building Supplies for the supply of this years torch sticks, we’d be a rather dark event without these……………….

New Committee for 2024.

Following our very successful AGM held on the 19th January, we now have several new faces on our top table. We look forward to another busy year of fundraising and planning in the run up to this years Bonfire Night for Hailsham to be held in October 2025.

Annual General Meeting date set:

Please note on the 19th January, HBS will be holding it’s AGM for the election of all officers and captains. The meeting will be held at the Hailsham Cricket Pavilion located at the Recreation Ground along Western Rd. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

All are welcome.

Following the meeting, a showing of last years Bonfire Night DVD will be played and orders taken for those wishing to have their own copy. Teas and coffees will be available and the in house bar will also be open for refreshments.